What is the ‘talent development trap' and which regions are concerned?
The ‘talent development trap' occurs in regions with insufficient skilled workers and university and higher-education graduates to offset the impact of the declining working age population due to depopulation and an ageing population. Tackling the shrinking of the working age population requires higher productivity and more innovation, and thus skilled workers. Lack of economic dynamism and innovation leading to a low demand for skills could seriously hamper regions' competitiveness and growth potential.
The Communication distinguishes between two categories of regions affected by this risk, representing 30% of the EU population:
What dedicated support is envisaged compared to the regional development strategies which form the basis for Cohesion policy interventions?
The Commission will help pilot regions in a talent development trap develop, monitor and implement regional strategies to become more talent attractive and identify projects most cost effective to address the situation.
It will also help regions at risk of falling in a talent development trap design strategies to adapt to demographic transition and identify reforms to address the situation.
This will allow the place based regional development strategies underlying Cohesion Policy interventions to be adjusted and targeted on solutions to the talent development trap.
Under the steer of the European semester, such strategies and underlying reforms and projects, should be supported, in particular by Cohesion Policy together with other EU funding instruments.
Which financial assistance is available?
Several sources of financial assistance are available:
How will regions benefit from the Technical Support Instrument?
What types of support is TSI already providing in the area of skills?
TSI is already supporting benefitting Member States to undertake reforms that, for example, improve the digital skills of public administration, integrate migrants into the labour market by harnessing talent and skills from third countries, improve the digital transformation of health and care systems and the digital skills of health professionals.
How is the Commission using Cohesion Policy programmes for 2021-2027 to address the demographic changes outlined in the Demography Report?
The Commission supports Member States and regions to pursue tailored policies to make affected territories more dynamic - socially and economically - and to create economic, employment and educational opportunities. Under Cohesion Policy, Member States and regions develop and implement integrated strategies and tailor-made investments to respond to demographic challenges wherever necessary they are identified as a particular challenge.
It is particularly important for such regions to boost economic development, innovation and competitiveness as well as a friendlier business environment, advanced digital services, and high-quality governance alongside providing access to better social services such as health- and long-term care, childcare and education. Cohesion Policy funds can already support investments in these areas, in synergy with other EU, national and local funding instruments.
What is the Demography Report?
The Commission's 2023 Demography Report presents the drivers of demographic change and their impacts across Europe, updating and developing the Demography Report issued in 2020. It discusses both firmly established long-term trends and more recent developments caused by sudden crises such as Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Russian aggression against Ukraine.
This follow-up Report confirms the horizontal nature of the demographic transition. Demography underpins virtually all policies and requires that policymakers at all levels cooperate and coordinate to inform and engage a variety of stakeholders. It is precisely this multi-dimensionality of demography that presents an opportunity for the EU to be a forefront runner in this field.
What are the main issues covered by the report?
The Report presents various long-term demographic trends with respect to life expectancy, mortality and migration and their impacts on population ageing, household composition, trends in the labour market, territorial cohesion and poverty and social exclusion.
The Report analyses the policy challenges stemming from these trends for policy makers at EU, national, regional, and local levels. It also identifies the benefits and opportunities these trends offer certain sectors of the economy and of society.
What are the main impacts of Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the war in Ukraine on established demographic trends?
The report outlines that the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the EU led to an increase in the number of EU citizens leaving the UK to return to their home countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe.
COVID-19 caused an observable decline in life expectancy and fertility rates in the EU, but it seems that past trends in these areas have since resumed. The COVID-19 pandemic also led to a large drop in migration flows, although this trend has been reversed since.
The war in Ukraine and the large flow of refugees may also have significant consequences for the demography of both the EU and Ukraine.
Finally, in recent years, several countries have also experienced ‘counter-urbanisation' trends as more people move to rural areas with good transport connections and social services. The pandemic may have accelerated this trend, but it remains to be seen whether it will continue in the future.
The Report also discusses the impact of demographic change and the challenges it brings for policymakers. What are these challenges?
These challenges include an ageing population, a shrinking working-age population and population decline more generally.
However, the fact that people nowadays live longer and healthier lives than previous generations is a remarkable societal achievement in and of itself. As our labour markets adapt to the new reality, this fact also brings more opportunities for active ageing and continued personal development and can initiate positive economic dynamics, for example in the silver economy and the tourism industry.
Demographic divergences between regions can worsen existing economic and social divides. Some, predominantly rural and less developed, EU regions are experiencing an accelerated reduction of their working age population and lag behind in developing, attracting and/or retaining the skilled workers needed for their development. This combination of challenges may impede their capacity to build sustainable, competitive, and knowledge-based economies, and puts them at a higher risk of failing to catch up with more advanced regions.
What are the key statistical findings of the report?
Key findings of the demography report include:
How does demographic change vary across the EU's regions?
Population decline varies significantly within countries. In 2020, 199 NUTS 3 (out of 1,166) in the EU had a shrinking population. In 2019, rural areas were losing more population due to natural change, and they were gaining fewer people through intra EU mobility compared with predominantly urban areas.
The population in rural areas of Europe is, on average, older than the population in towns, cities and suburbs. Certain regions of Eastern and Southern Member States are even confronted with both challenges: natural declines in population combined with departure of young people from rural to urban areas.
Moreover, young women are more likely to leave rural areas than young men. These demographic trends are coupled with a lack of connectivity, poor infrastructure, productivity challenges, and poor access to public services including education and care, and are indicative of the lower attractiveness of rural areas as places to live and work.