Commission adopts a proposal for Interoperable Europe Act

Source: EuNews
21 November 2022

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The proposal will support the creation of a network of sovereign and interconnected digital public administrations and will accelerate the digital transformation of Europe's public sector. It aims to make cross-border data exchanges for digital public services more efficient and secure.  

The main highlights of the proposal for Interoperable Europe Act are:

  • A structured EU cooperation where public administrations, supported by public and private actors, come together in the framework of projects co-owned by Member States, as well as regions and cities.
  • Mandatory assessments to evaluate the impact of changes in information technology (IT) systems on cross-border interoperability in the EU.
  • The share and reuse of solutions, often open source, powered by an ‘Interoperable Europe Portal’ – a one-stop-shop for solutions and community cooperation.
  • Innovation and support measures, including regulatory sandboxes for policy experimentation, GovTech project to develop and scale up solutions for reuse, and training support.

The future interoperability cooperation framework will be steered by the Interoperable Europe Board. The Board will be composed of representatives from the EU Member States, the Commission, the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee.

The Digital Europe Programme will be the primary funding instrument for implementing the Interoperable Europe Act.

Discover more about the Act and its accompanying Communication.

Read the full press release.
