The Commission adopts a new digital strategy to address transformation opportunities of a post-pandemic world

Source: EuNews
30 June 2022

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Today, the Commission adopted a new internal digital strategy under the theme “Next Generation Digital Commission”. It sets out a vision for a digitally transformed, more agile administration that will contribute to the achievement of the EU's strategic priorities, including Europe's Digital Decade and the European Green Deal. Smooth interaction between people, processes, data and technology will underpin a fully digitalised Commission.

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for Budget and Administration, said: 

With this new Digital Strategy we show that the Commission is ready to lead by example for the digital transformation of administrations in Europe's Digital Decade. We want to harness the potential of technology in a way that puts people in the centre and secures the sovereignty and resilience of our institution.

The foundations for a digitally transformed administration were laid in 2018, with the Commission’s first internal digital strategy (ECDS). 

This new business-driven strategy has five objectives. 

  • Foster a digital culture that is people-centred, innovative, agile, collaborative and data-driven. 
  • Enable digital-ready policymaking to adapt to evolving digitalisation, reduce administrative burdens and optimise use of resources. 
  • Empower a business-driven digital transformation aligned to departments' needs. 
  • Ensure a seamless digital landscape based on secure architecture and reusable solutions. 
  • Sustain a green, secure and resilient infrastructure to lead EU-wide change in the way we work. 

Veronica Gaffey, Director-General of DG Informatics of the European Commission, said:

We are committed to transforming the Commission digitally by enabling all departments to harness the potential of technology.

Read the full press release.